Unify data form energy distributers, sales agents, customers, compliance and regulations teams to get a unified view of your company.
Automate billing processes to reduce errors, implement dynamic pricing plans for customers, and improve vendor management.
Get a complete view of your business functions from procurement to customer satisfaction with powerful analytics and visulaizations.
Track the percentage of electricity sourced from renewable energy. Increase the percentage & cater to customers seeking green options.
Measures the total greenhouse gas emissions associated with operations. Lower your carbon footprint by tracking concerned areas.
Faster billing cycles improve cash flow & customer experience. Implement efficient billing systems & automate processes to reduce processing times.
Track revenue generation efficiency & identify potential areas for improvement in customer acquisition or pricing strategies.
Track the percentage of customers who switch to another provider within a specific period. And understand the reasons behind it.
Create custom pricing plans by balancing customer demands & business objectives .Get prices adjusted in real-time to optimize profit margins
Integrate all your data sources, map them to your KPIs, analyze your data and visualize insights.
The proportion of customers who have opted for conventional, non-customized agreements or packages offered by the business is a crucial metric for retail energy providers.
Percentage Of Customers On Standard Retail Contracts = (Customers on standard retail contracts / Total customers) x 100
The percentage of debts that have been repaid within a specified period is a critical metric for retail energy providers, reflecting the effectiveness of their debt collection efforts.
Debt Repayment Rate = (Amount of debt repaid by customers/ Total amount of debt) x 100
The percentage of customers whose service has been disconnected due to non-payment or other reasons within a specific period is a crucial metric for retail energy providers.
Customer Disconnection Rate = (Number of customers disconnected/ Total customers) x 100
The percentage of customers whose service has been reinstated after being disconnected is a critical metric that reflects the effectiveness of a retail energy providers reconnection processes.
Customer Reconnection Rate = (Number of customers reconnected/ Number of customers disconnected) x 100
The average duration taken by a retail energy company to set up new connections for customers is a crucial KPI that tells on the efficiency of the connection setup process.
Average Connection Setup Time = Time taken to set up connections/ Connection set ups
The average amount of energy consumed by each customer within a specific period is a vital metric that offers deep insights into the energy consumption behaviour of individual customers or households.
Energy Per Customer = Consumption/ Total customers