Reshaping your pricing strategy

Revamp your pricing strategy -experiment, evaluate, offer

Product pricing presents various challenges, from adapting to market shifts and cost variability to managing competitive pressures and meeting customer expectations. Infoveave helps you to overcome these hurdles to develop effective pricing strategies.

  1. 2M$+ Increased Revenue
  2. 8900+ Suggestion Reports
  3. 85K$+ Pricing Strategies
  4. 35% Profit Margin

How it works?

We transform the intricate and often daunting process of product pricing into a streamlined, efficient, and highly effective operation. Our unified data platform not only simplifies pricing but also enhances its precision and strategic impact.

  1. Ingest Data : Integrate data from various sources or locations & provide the necessary information to the simulation tool.
  2. Setup Scenario : Create new rule-based scenarios with custom logic and regulations to generate the best offers.
  3. Define variables : Define the variables contributing to the scenario & estimate the mathematical correlation.
  4. Simulate Offers : Run simulation with the new offers for the whole set of data or for a data subset and estimate the outcome.
  5. Set Offers in action : Get the detailed individual reports on each simulation executed and get the offers in action.
  6. Scenario modelling : Model and simulate any scenarios based on correlation. Improve your pricing strategy by testing and refining.


  1. Understand customers : Enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty by offering better perceived value for money.
  2. Increase Profits : Set the right price to ensure that margins are protected while maximizing revenue.
  3. Seamless Integrations : Infoveave connects with your existing inventory management, sales, and CRM systems to collect real-time data.
  4. Advanced Analytics : Understand how factors like market conditions, customer preferences, & cost change affect your strategy.
  5. Performance Tracking : Compare the performance of different pricing strategies against benchmarks to identify the successful approaches.
  6. Scenario modelling : Model and simulate any scenarios based on correlation. Improve your pricing strategy by testing and refining.

Competitive pricing intelligence

Benefit from the agile methodology on pricing intelligence. Price your product in response to the changing market, regulations & competitor price. Stay ahead in the your filed with our intelligent pricing tool.

  1. Shorter time to market : Get quick simulations of pricing for new product launches using its simulations tool.
  2. Projected Deeper Insights : Learn about pricing demands, & the relationships between price, sales and time.
  3. Increased market coverage : Get wider coverage on your product with the competitive pricing scheme offer.
  4. Improved market intelligence : Benchmark against competitors and evaluate costs based on the proposed offerings.

What is Infoveave simulation tool?

Infoveave simulation tool is a rule-based engine that optimizes prices, gives out competitive pricing based on multiple parameters and pre-defined rules. The tool will also help you see the impact of pricing on your profit.

How do we define the scenario?

The scenarios are defined based your business needs . The tool generates a mathematical correlation among the depended variables to simulate the scenario.

Is the simulation tool API driven?

Yes, the Infoveave simulation tool is API driven and can be integrated to any platform.

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Infoveave® is a product of Noesys

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