Health monitoring and supervision have always been a challenge for most workers on-ground. The lack of facilities, infrastructure, training, and awareness on-ground poses a few of the many challenges.
Leading humanitarian organizations are exploring their options to enhance the supervision programs. This would help to reach out to a greater audience with medical aids. CRS Catholic Relief Services is exploring ways to support scale-up programs for ASHA’s Accredited Social Health Activists and has tied up with Sarathi Development Foundation to support the scale-up programs under the aegis of the National Health Mission. The ReMiND project aims to strengthen systematic supportive supervision of ASHAs. To help improve their performance by improved knowledge and skills of ASHA Sangini. The technology helped strengthen supportive supervision by providing real-time data on ASHA performance. By supportive supervision, automated reports at different levels, and real-time evidence-based decision-making, an efficient and transparent system was formed.
As part of its various healthcare initiatives, the client is working on an ICT-led solution. The community health monitoring analysis supports Community Health Worker Supervisors to guide performance improvements. The project involves training and supporting the 523 workers.
Using the supportive community health monitoring analysis application to further guide 10,385 ground-level staff. This will improve their outreach to a population of 1.77 crores on key maternal and child health issues. The client needed to develop and maintain the ASHA Sangini Supportive Supervision Application dashboard. The purpose is to define roles and expected outcomes through this web-based project. Providing the NHM and project staff timely access to analyzed data on critical projects. Various indicators and data trends help them to make informed programmatic decisions. And to identify areas for improvements and do adaptive programming.
The need for easy access to analyzed data for different levels of the workforce was critical. As it would help in data-driven decision-making and adaptive programming. This involved various modules of Infoveave working together to meet client expectations. Data ingested from disparate databases into Infoveave data source. User type-specific indicators and their definitions with data defined. Required data pulled from the data dictionary to set up analysis algorithms. The dashboard houses analytics from data available from the program. The dashboard was set up with several navigation links and drop-down menus to sub-pages. Also including infographics with permitted logos and color schemes. Altogether making it a modern live interactive dashboard. Role-based accessibility is provided at various levels of the hierarchy. Various alert indicators to track and record the daily/weekly/monthly performance. Customized reports generated and shared with respective stakeholders. With insights gained and intelligent decision-making, improvement measures were rolled out to stakeholders. Entire structural documentation of the dashboard and source code prepared in parallel. This would help the agency to install and adapt the application.